Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Web Presence (or present lack thereof...)

I found some blog links that feature some general information on Amsterdam. They primarily comprise different official channels for tourist information, many of which are originating from within the Netherlands.

I also found the website for the the Prostitution Information Center:

and the Amsterdam Coffeeshop Directory:

My efforts at finding more community- or interaction-based information has so far been negligible. I spent a long time digging through some fairly dull travel blogs with individual posts about how wasted people got in Amsterdam (many of which were found here: I suppose that in and of itself is somewhat instructive, but not exactly what I had in mind. I am hoping to be able to uncover some stuff that is more official - respectable travel blogs that a person might turn to if they were trying to learn about what traveling to a place is like. Additionally I need to try to hunt down some stuff from within Amsterdam that may be related to native views on outsiders coming in.

Or I need to scrap the whole idea and come up with something else...

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